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Stiffe's Caves - ITALY

(Grotte di Stiffe - Abruzzo)
L'Aquila, 700 mt

Stiffe's Caves are located on the top of the ravine overhanging the small village of Stiffe, San Demetrio nei Vestini's hamlet.
Approaching the Caves you can admire some of the most beautiful scenery in Abruzzo: your sight can wander from the quiet and soft L'Aquila valley, dominated by the impressive Gran Sasso's mountain range, to the rocky face, 100 metres high, overhanging the Caves' entrance.
Then it can get lost in the ravine's luxuriant vegetation, where there are so many paths you can follow.
When you enter the Caves, your senses suddenly perceive its unusual atmosphere: the fresh humid air and the play of light might make your mind think about far-off times; the drops falling on your body make you experience how stalactites and stalagmites were
created; your gaze concentrates on the water foaming under the footbridge and then it gets lost far away, trying to catch every detail of the rock formations.
The stream is your noisy guide from the Caves' entrance, hiding itself for a bit so that you can appreciate the silence and then showing itself again with all its power, so strong during the winter season, in a great chamber where it falls in a roaring cascade with a magnificient and disquieting view.
L'Aquila, 700 mt.

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Stiffe's Caves


Abruzzo National Park
Majella National Park
Gran Sasso National Park
Sirente Regional Park


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Stiffe's Caves
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Cavuto source
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Orfento Valley
Bomba Lake
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Punta Penna

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