italy hotels > pisa > museums of pisa
museums of pisa | archaeology in volterra


It is a marvellous city, well-known all over the world for its beautiful monuments, though it was damaged during World War II. Still today you can see evidence of the city's past time in the popular Piazza dei Miracoli and in its fabulous museums.


(Museo delle Sinopie)
Pisa, 10 mt
- Museum of Sinopie
The Museum of Sinopie is located in a wing of the XIII-century Ospedale della Misericordia, not far from Piazza dei Miracoli. It is a unique museum in the world since it contains cartoons for the frescoes which decorated the famous Camposanto complex in Piazza dei Miracoli.
It's a two-storey museum:
  • upstairs you can find panes containing the most ancient sinopie, such as: Giudizio Universale (Last Judgment), Inferno (Hell), Storie dei Santi Padri (Holy Fathers's Histories) and the famous Trionfo della Morte (Triumph of Death). All the sinopie in this section were made by Buonamico Buffalmacco;
  • downstairs you can see five sinopie by Benozzo Gozzoli portraying the past daily life.


(Museo dell'Opera del Duomo)
Pisa, 10 mt
- Museum of the Opera del Duomo
The museum is located inside an ancient palace at the south-east corner of Piazza dei Miracoli. The palace dates back to XII century. At first it was occupied; in 1784 it was the seat of the Academy of Fine Arts; then it became an enclosed nunnery; today it is the Museum of the Opera. It contains the busts which were located in the outside portico of the Baptistery, the works of art by Nicola and Giovanni Pisano and the tesoro del Duomo (Cathedral's treasure), i.e. a collection of valuable objects, such as the famous ivory Madonna by Giovanni Pisano, coming from the medieval cathedral.


(Museo Nazionale di San Matteo)
Pisa, 10 mt
- National Museum of St Matteo
It is located inside an ancient Benedictine monastery near the river Arno. The museum contains works coming from other convents and beautiful works of art by:
  • Giovanni Pisano: Santa con Reliquario, Madonna and Ballerina;
  • Andrea Pisano: Madonna col Bambino and Madonna del Latte;
  • Simone Martini: Polittico;
  • Giunta Pisano: Crocifisso;
  • Maestro di San Martino: Madonna col Bambino and Episodi dell'infanzia di Gesù.

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