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The Castle in Pacentro

(Castello Cantelmo - Abruzzo)
Pacentro, 650 mt

(Castello di Pacentro - Abruzzo)
Pacentro, 650 mt

(Castello Cantelmo - Abruzzo)
Pacentro, 650 mt

(Castello di Pacentro - Abruzzo)
Pacentro, 650 mt
The Castle in Pacentro
You can read about the village since the XI-XII century. A "Castellum" of Pacentro is mentioned in the Cronicon in the XI century. During the Longobard age rich families contented for it and the village had to fight against the city Sulmona.
The Caldora, the Cantelmo (they fortified the castle, which became their favourite residence), the Orsini, the Colonna and the Barberini were some of the castle's owners throughout the years. The ancient area of the village and the castle, the embattled towers and the massive defensive system still prove the village's difficult history.
It is one of the best-preserved castles in Abruzzo: it is a four-sided building (XV century), surrounded by a moat, equipped with three high quadrangular towers in the inside castle walls and with three round embattled towers in the outside castle walls.
(Pacentro, 650mt).


guided tour in the Castle in Pacentro

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Castle in Pacentro


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